"Survival of the fittest!"
"Life is a competition!"
These are Darwin's ideas.
But,I don't totally agree with.
Especially,for the creature as we Mankind!
Ancient Egypt's Pyramid!For example!
Till now,no one absolutely certain how it was made.
Compare with Africa in 21 century,there are still barberine in the Jungle.
It is truth there was incredible ancient culture,but also modern day barberines !
So,Darwin's theory is not totally fit!
And I also want to maintion a new suppose.
"If the species which had distinct from the earth move into outer space?"
For example!In Peru,the Inca Empire suddenly disappear from the earth after Spanish came,
no scriptures sign why did they extinct!
I suppose they went to outer space and left the earth for the foolish Spanish!
Therefore,if survival was always the winner?
Note:Evolution is the reason the World War began!'Hitler's Racial Priority Theory was inspired from Darwin!
P.S I felt Darwin tell me ,he know he is wrong,including his ideas about----There wasn't a almighty Creator! He told me in my spiritual world,if his ideas were truth,then,survival won't die!There is God,so does every creature die at it's time!