
2013年6月10日 星期一

Two Innocent Souls

A beautiful young fellow,
His ideal life was simply to love,
His passion must show,
And he adventured.

But,in trip he heard calling from the milky way,
"The stars of legend Greek are dimming!"
He must save them!He determined !

Turkey was actually a mysteric barbarian .
They murdered Byron shamly .

For his passion so pure ,
Everyone moved!

And Greek was free by him,
Lord Byron !

Another charming young man,
Was a book worm and also a poet,
He dreamed to be Byron,
And he must released the Arabia !

He was as innocent as a white dove!
Believe in human nature was all bright!

He stood in front of Turkey,
Believing the Arabian will support.
But, they cutted his wings!
And he was bleeding till dead.

His name Lawrance will shine,
Just like Byron in heaven!

