1,How much we must pay 三民書局?
Q,Rant for one floor or two floor ?
A,Two !
A,One floor one month for two millions NT!
2,What kind of books we should suggest ?
A,You can sell the sheets !Magazines !Bilingual Novels !Stationary !World famous books ,which is the masterpiece for the history !
3,Where can we live in Taiwan ?
A,Rant from the City's government, which is Citizens apartment !Don't play sex!
4,Which place we should choose ?
5,How much we should pay you ?
A,Don't worry, till you win!
6,Do you want to be our president in Taiwan ?
A,I would like to be canceled !
7,What is Taiwan 's hobbies ?
A,Hiking, Drink tea or coffee, Bicycle riding, Rise pets,and gambling.
8,If you want writing or painting ?
A,We are very conservative about creating the culture !
9,How can we join 合作金庫?
A,Save 50million NT!
10,What should we do for 林清玄?
A,He can't use French !Do you want use Apperntus' French Tutor ?They speak Chinese !
Q,Which one do you suggest ?
A,Nicolas and Remi, and Adrien
11,Which account name in the bank we can use ?
A,Don't worry, cooperation name is useful !