It was in the April, and the Moon Lake was vivid, spread out the slowly waves, to cover a old man's crops, who was in his belief of the Death .
"Why do you be her slave ?"Professeur Wang's wife, was a little bit mad, and talking with the tone like duck, which was behind her husband's back.
"I know how important she is !"Dr.Wang clean out the shuttle and tank up the dirt with his old brush.
Inside the shuttle, there was a young lady's number first violinists' permit.
And her glasses were very heavy in the photos.
His wife scrimming that "No one is her fan ,only you are her starlike Father !"
"Give up !Is the reason she belong to Art !"Professeur Wang was smoking !
Mrs. Wang tried to keep her balance, in order not to induce the high Blood pressure .
And she chewed her lips like someone who is insane!
"It is too late !He is dead !Please don't cry !Treasure yourself, you will receive the recompense from the Central Bank !"
The policeman and the prosecutor were morn for the Widow of the Death, and she was Mrs. Wang.
Who was known as a performer in the Augustic Guitar.
It was long time ago !