1,How long have you been in poverty ?
A,My parents are very detailed about money !But I am equal with the people !I don't blame them !
2 ,Do you want to visit Russia ?
A,Yes, I do !But I am concerned about the weather !
3,Why can you know truth ?
A,Because I didn't know about money !
4,I don't want money, I want truth, what can I reach truth consol?
A,Mother Natur said "Jude!"
q,Where can we find correct jade?
A,Buy from China !Only Chinese gods left a lot of toy jades for younger generations !
5,Do you want be teach by Russia ?
A,Of course !But the culture is too wide!
6 ,Your boots are gift,you are poor, would you ?
A,Depends on gods !
7 ,Can you meet Paul !
A,I am not very good at speaking !