
2013年11月14日 星期四

Helen Was Alone chapter.1

It was raining ,the wind blow the raindrops on her face,but she determined to keep on walking,no one against she,but she against the world.


"Mom ! I'm here!",she slap the door,but the house was quiet and empty.In the neighborhood,the sound of the police bell was noisy ,and she was alone in the darkness.

She casually lay on the sofa,and turned on the television,"These boring shows!"she complained,but, the weather forecast said it will continue raining till next weekend,and it makes her feel like being pushed into
overdate jelly jam ,she expected a dry and peaceful corner to ponder everything,everything about better life!

"Better life?!"
"Why can't I felt satisfied with just now?"she asked herself.


Helen dared not to dream better,because her parents have no love for each other,but she was the only child they had---only deserted child----she thought.

The evening was as long as final exam,she saw her mother's high wheels messy the carpet ,"Mom date again!""She betray me again!"

She checked the refrigerator and fond out left over,she hadn't ate since 11:00,this school day wasn't a big task,because she got All-passed ,but Mom hadn't known,and she didn't care.

This big house was a wonderland,before Helen's Daddy been fired,by a very remarkable bank.Everything was suspended at this age,and Daddy must work in mainland China.Daddy said"I will make a fortune there!"
But Mom neglect him,"Why Mom is so selfish?"she hadn't known.Daddy will come back in the new Year,but ,he wasn't the same one like before,he was funny,smart,and carefree,but ,he changed ,he is under pressure and boring now,Helen wanted her original Daddy!

But ,the world kept on moving,old will wither away,young will be leader.

Helen could lead,but she couldn't reach balance,because of this broken family.That's the reason she live in a uncertain view.


