
2017年6月5日 星期一

A Short Story

If she visited some other glasses store, she wouldn't be insulted.

The lady walked tired on the street.What did she look for?A pair of glasses!Because she suddenly knew,it was wrong to put on perfect digestive glasses,and the main problem is,her teacher please her to study more.

Sharp glasses make people short life but quick study.Many people don't want to look everything clearly,I mean, vague is space for life,only a reason for reading the news.

She felt like against the authority and the whole night she hardly sleep.

The next day ,she took the bus to the other town,where no one knows her, she requested for a pair of equal degree glasses,and as a gift for a friend.

She can't see so clear, but felt lay back, and read with out feeling sour,she will love her place but not her marriage chance.This is what Sarvenism dissapointed about.

The authority of glasses was someone play power on light,he will blind,this is what gene god's will.

Gene gods will surround every lonely lady.

