
2013年12月18日 星期三

Notes 2013.12.18

I left the church,and face life,I've learnt what is Jesus' Way,Truth,and Life!

Many people in Taiwan have prejudice that to be a Catholic means giving up Chinese way,but I could feel I will be someone who be deserted,because my blood is Chinese,and I love China,I love Taiwan ,if wasn't Love is God!Love is Catholic!

Besides,I've known a truth,when a Taiwanese giving up Chinese heritage and pursue Europa,he will be neglack ,no matter how eager was his attitude!Europeans will respect a Chinese,when he represents Chinese!

But,what was the price,for long years I searching for Jesus' passage to heaven?

That's the truth ----Almighty Creator is the ultimate God,people on earth must give up price on earth to win heaven!

My dear!If you desire super power,begin from an idea,"God reads our minds,He wouldn't wrong look us!"
Keep it in mind,it is the key to begin to pray!

