
2016年4月5日 星期二


This Spring time came with anger,Earthquake took away many people's life,Abens felt guilty plenty ,about many sign-and-effect.

Abens had been to there ,the place where the disaster happened,but too much long time ago,maybe,fifteen years ago.Her uncle wanted to show her what is Taiwan's wizard,in other words,he wanted to charge Abens'
fate,Abens was struggling for to be a Christian or not to be ,and her family couldn't think more about the Existentialism.

It was a long term journey ,when Abens pursued the philosophy and her human-life get sick,and the problem was,whether ,Abens would merry a foreigner and sex open?

On the other hand,when a Chinese took the western philosophy ,but refused to sex with Germany .

That night Abens was wondering how to make the New Year begun ,she cut the wall cancer electric lines,
just like the "Monster Ag ",she break the curse and look forward ,but the next day ,the Mother Nature killed.

Abens was innocent ,but feeling guilty ,because her mercy was in vain ,someone who has been released couldn't pity those who had fallen.

